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Sightseeing Information

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Owase City Activities The Kumano Kodo Sightseeing spots

Walk with a Nature Therapist: Magose-toge Pass and Mount Tengura

Owase City Activities The Kumano Kodo Sightseeing spots

Walk with a Therapist: Sone-Jirozaka-Tarozaka Pass

Owase City Activities The Kumano Kodo Sightseeing spots

Walk with a Therapist: Crossing Mount Yakiyama

Owase City Activities Scenery Sightseeing spots

Ohai Cruising

Enjoy a cruise on a fishing boat in waters near Ohai!

Kihoku Town Scenery Sightseeing spots

Mt. Tengurasan

A huge rock (Tenguiwa) appeared on the top of the mountain a…

Kiho Town World heritage Scenery Sightseeing spots Shrines & temples

Mifune-jima Island

Part of the precincts of Kumano Hayatama Taisha Shrine. At t…

Kumano City Scenery Sightseeing spots

Nunobiki-no-taki Falls

It is formed by the erosion of Kumano granite bedrock over t…

Owase City Scenery Sightseeing spots

Anagi Waterfalls

There are two waterfalls in the upper stream of the Mataguch…

Kumano City Activities Scenery Sightseeing spots

Starry Sky Watching (guide to surrounding places, not experience)

There are no extra light sources in the woodland near the v…

Kumano City Activities Scenery Sightseeing spots

Firefly Watching (guide to surrounding places, not experience)

During your stay, if you are lucky, you can enjoy the beauti…

Owase City World heritage The Kumano Kodo Sightseeing spots

Kumano kodo Iseji Magose-toge Pass (Owase-shi side climbing entrance)

The most beautiful cobblestones road in Kumano Kodo Iseji Ro…

Kihoku Town World heritage The Kumano Kodo Sightseeing spots

Kumano kodo Iseji Magose-toge Pass (Kihoku-cho side climbing entrance)

The most beautiful cobblestones road in Kumano Kodo Iseji Ro…