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Sightseeing Information

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Total : 302 / 13〜24

Owase City Activities The Kumano Kodo Sightseeing spots

Walk with a Therapist: Sone-Jirozaka-Tarozaka Pass

Owase City Activities

Iwayado Exploration: A Place of Prayer

Be reminded of ancient times while viewing rows of stone Bud…

Owase City Activities

Experience Nakamurayama Park

A park surrounded by several different tree species. Have fu…

Owase City Activities

Hangout in Nature around Magose Park

The side roads of Kumano Kodo have tons of charm, too! Admir…

Owase City Activities

Let’s Learn! Owase’s Rain Mechanisms

Why does it rain so much in Owase? Why is there a large boul…

Owase City Activities The Kumano Kodo Sightseeing spots

Walk with a Nature Therapist: Magose-toge Pass and Mount Tengura

Owase City Activities The Kumano Kodo Sightseeing spots

Walk with a Therapist: Crossing Mount Yakiyama

Owase City Sightseeing spots Scenery


奇跡の清流・銚子川の支流である、又口川上流に位置する二つの滝。 陽の滝(落差30m)と陰の滝(落差5m)が織りなす自然…

Owase City Scenery Sightseeing spots

Anagi Waterfalls

There are two waterfalls in the upper stream of the Mataguch…