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Sightseeing Information

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Total : 302 / 205〜216

Owase City Accomodation

Minshuku Yamaguchi

6,600 yen~

Owase City Accomodation

Minshuku Fuhan

3,850 yen~

Owase City Accomodation

Ryoso Takemi

4,800 yen~

Kiho Town Sightseeing spots Shrines & temples

Konouchi-jinja Shrine (Koyasu-no-miya)

It is a shrine whose structure is not a temple but a rock ca…

Kiho Town History Sightseeing spots

Ruins of Udono Castle

700 to 800 years ago, Udono castle that ruled this land when…

Kiho Town History Sightseeing spots

Site of the former Kajihanaoji Gongen Shrine

Places recorded in ancient documents such as "Kujukuojiki" a…

Kiho Town Sightseeing spots Shrines & temples

Kinegadani-jinja Shrine

It is said to have enshrined the Kumano god who has traveled…

Kiho Town History Sightseeing spots

Hokyointo Pagoda

The tower was built in 1759 to pray for the mouth of river a…

Kiho Town World heritage The Kumano Kodo Sightseeing spots

Kawa-no-sankeimichi (Kumano-gawa River)

The Kumano River, which is the "Kawa-no-sankeimichi", is lis…

Kumano City Accomodation

Sanae Ryokan

1 night with breakfast Price: 6,050 yen ~

Kumano City Accomodation

Minshuku Hamaken

1 night with 2 meals Price: 8,000 yen ~

Owase City Accomodation


1 building rental (4 person per night) 25,000 yen (excluding…