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Sightseeing Information

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Total : 302 / 25〜36

Kiho Town Activities

Kiho Canyoning: Refresh Yourself in Nature!

Visit the canyon and travel down the gorge with an instructo…

Owase City Activities Scenery Sightseeing spots

Ohai Cruising

Enjoy a cruise on a fishing boat in waters near Ohai!

Kumano City Accomodation

Tennyoza Entertainment Guesthouse

Tennyoza, a gorgeous spot with an uninhibited ocean view, is…

Kumano City Accomodation

Seaside Inn Nigishima

A seaside inn available for private house rental. Spend time…

Kihoku Town Accomodation

Villa Otogi Banashi

"A room for two guests starts at 24,800 yen per person (incl…

Kihoku Town Accomodation

Takiya En Guesthouse for Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing

No Meals Included: 3,800 yen Two Meals Included: 7,000 yen …

Kihoku Town Accomodation

Miyama in Shiki no Sato

This vacation rental costs 5,000 yen for one guest, 4,000 ye…

Kihoku Town Scenery Sightseeing spots

Mt. Tengurasan

A huge rock (Tenguiwa) appeared on the top of the mountain a…

Kiho Town World heritage Scenery Sightseeing spots Shrines & temples

Mifune-jima Island

Part of the precincts of Kumano Hayatama Taisha Shrine. At t…

Kumano City Scenery Sightseeing spots

Nunobiki-no-taki Falls

It is formed by the erosion of Kumano granite bedrock over t…

Kumano City Accomodation


Book a homestay in an old Japanese home still being used in …

Owase City Scenery Sightseeing spots

Anagi Waterfalls

There are two waterfalls in the upper stream of the Mataguch…