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Sightseeing Information

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Owase City Sightseeing spots Scenery


奇跡の清流・銚子川の支流である、又口川上流に位置する二つの滝。 陽の滝(落差30m)と陰の滝(落差5m)が織りなす自然…

Kiho Town Activities Accomodation

Kiho Town Hisetsu Falls Camp Site

This is a rare camping site in Japan. You can camp in front …

Owase City Activities

Rainy City Owase: Make Your Own Umbrella

Rainy City Owase: Make Your Own Umbrella

Kumano City 体験プラン Activities



Kumano City World heritage Scenery Sightseeing spots

Shishiiwa (Lion Rock)

A world heritage, natural treasure and scenic spot. It is a …

Owase City Activities Scenery Sightseeing spots

Mikisato Beach

The white sandy beach is about 1 km from the hotel. Behind t…

Owase City Activities The Kumano Kodo Sightseeing spots

Walk with a Nature Therapist: Magose-toge Pass and Mount Tengura

Owase City Activities

Ebisuya Owase Cypress Workshop

Make a rolling toy car, cutlery, key chains, door signs, and…

Kihoku Town Accomodation

Miyama in Shiki no Sato

This vacation rental costs 5,000 yen for one guest, 4,000 ye…

Owase City Activities

Iwayado Exploration: A Place of Prayer

Be reminded of ancient times while viewing rows of stone Bud…