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Sightseeing Information

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Total : 302 / 169〜180

Kihoku Town Scenery Sightseeing spots

Ojiro Park

The sea is right next to the park, so you can use the rides …

Kiho Town History Sightseeing spots

Site of the former Kajihanaoji Gongen Shrine

Places recorded in ancient documents such as "Kujukuojiki" a…

Kiho Town History Sightseeing spots

Ruins of Udono Castle

700 to 800 years ago, Udono castle that ruled this land when…

Owase City Scenery Sightseeing spots

Shiroyama Park

It is the castle ruins park on the top of the hill in Sonech…

Owase City Accomodation

Minshuku Shibayama

Room without meals 3,850 yen, 1 night with breakfast 4,400 y…

Kumano City The Kumano Kodo Sightseeing spots


This road separates from Hama Kaido at Hananoiwaya Shrine in…

Kumano City Accomodation

Business Ryokan Shione

Room without meals: 4,000 yen~

Kumano City Accomodation

Minshuku Kaibo

Room without meals: 3,300 yen ~, 1 night with 2 meals: 5,250…

Owase City Accomodation

Iwana no Sato

Room without meals 4,400 yen, 1 night with breakfast 5,500 y…

Kiho Town Scenery Sightseeing spots

Mt. Oeboshi

The most beautiful tourist attraction among the top ten famo…

Owase City Activities

Experience of Squeezing Camellia Oil (for guests only)

You can experience steaming, crushing, and squeezing a certa…

Kihoku Town Accomodation

Lodge Sansui

7,000 yen (with 2 meals) 5,500 yen (with breakfast) 5,000 ye…