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Sightseeing Information

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Total : 302 / 217〜228

Kihoku Town Accomodation

Hamabe no Yado Sazanami

7,560 yen~ (1 night 2 meals) Room without meals 4,320 yen Wi…

Owase City Scenery Sightseeing spots

Mukaikuronohama Shellfish Gathering

Kuronohama is located on the south side of Owase City and is…

Owase City Accomodation

Ryoso Takemi

4,800 yen~

Kiho Town Accomodation

Noka Minshuku Runchi

It looks like a normal house in Konouchi, Kiho Town, Mie Pre…

Kihoku Town Accomodation

Kappo no Yado Misuzu

16,200 yen~ (1 night 2 meals) (Weekdays only 12,960 yen~)

Owase City Activities

Firewood Splitting & Kamado Rice Cooking Experience

You can break firewood with an ax and experience cooking ric…

Kiho Town Activities

Chopping Wood Experience

It is a safe chopping experience without using an ax.

Owase City Activities

Tanomo Course, Mikisaki Trekking

Mikisaki is a peninsula about 3.4 kilometers long from east …

Kiho Town Activities

Making Flag Garland

Anyone can feel free to experience it.

Kihoku Town Activities Accomodation

MAC Magotaro Auto Camp

Cottage 12,000 yen ~ 35,000 yen Tent site 3,000 yen ~ 8,500 …

Kihoku Town Activities

It’s OK with Empty-handed! Whole Sea Experience

A perfect plan for those who want to enjoy the sea experienc…

Owase City Accomodation

Minshuku Fuhan

3,850 yen~