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Sightseeing Information

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Total : 302 / 37〜48

Kihoku Town Museums Scenery Sightseeing spots

Tanemaki Gonbei-no-Sato

In addition to the Takeshi Gonbei folk songs that have been …

Kumano City Activities Scenery Sightseeing spots

Tategasaki Sightseeing Boat

You can enjoy spectacular views such as "Tategasaki", which …

Kihoku Town Hot springs

Kiinagashima Furusato Onsen

The seaside hotel has a warm hot spring. Even in the local a…

Kumano City Mihama Town Kiho Town World heritage Scenery Sightseeing spots


Shichiri Mihama is the longest gravel coast in Japan, stretc…

Kumano City Museums History Sightseeing spots

Kiwa Mine Museum

In addition to exhibiting trucks and mining equipment actual…

Kumano City Accomodation Hot springs

Yunokuchi Onsen

1 Bungalow 1 night 9,700 yen~, Lodge 1 night 12,300 yen~

Kihoku Town Activities Accomodation

Camp inn Miyama

Cottage 9,800 yen~ Auto site 1,400 yen~

Kumano City History Sightseeing spots


It is said that this is the shrine of Jofuku who was appoint…

Kumano City Gourmet & Shopping Tourist information center

Onigajo Center

Adjacent to "Onigajo", which is a part of the World Heritage…

Kihoku Town Activities Scenery Sightseeing spots

Tour with the Choshi River Guide Miraculous Clear Stream Choshi River

Let us enjoy the clear stream of Choshi River 120% with the …

Kumano City Sightseeing spots Shrines & temples

Oma-jinja Shrine

Legend has it that during the Heian period, Shogun Sakanoue …

Kihoku Town Scenery Sightseeing spots

Mt. Tengurasan

A huge rock (Tenguiwa) appeared on the top of the mountain a…