13 Nigishima-toge・Okamizaka-toge Pass
Nigishima-toge・Okamizaka-toge Pass
Walking time
About 3 hours
Around 4.6km (From JR Nigishima Station to JR Atashika Station)
sea level
Route features
The name “Okami” is said to mean “the place where the deities of Kumano and Ise meet. “Okami” is also the word for “wolf” in Japanese, which is another possible theory behind the origins of the name as wolves were said to lurk around here. This route starts from Nigishima, a town known for its long history of whaling, and continues onto the old pilgrimage route, which is paved by moss-covered stones.
Route highlights

Pilgrim Gravestones
Along the path near the milepost marker, there stands a total of 8 gravestones for pilgrims who did not survive the journey.

Rice Paddy Remains and Shishigaki
A stone fence surrounding a patch of land that used to be a rice paddy still remains standing here.

Okamizaka-toge Pass
The pass stands at 290m above sea level is covered by trees. There used to be a big pine tree, and it is said that there used to be a teahouse under it.

View of Atashika Beach
A dazzling view of Atashika Beach can be seen after crossing the pass. There is a guardian stone nearby, for travellers to pray to and give thanks for their safe travels so far.
Road trip to Kumano Kodo
距離 約4.5km(JR二木島駅〜JR新鹿駅) 歩行時間 2時間30分 駐車スペース【JR二木島駅側】○JR二木島駅(駅から徒歩すぐ)
【JR新鹿駅側】○JR新鹿駅(駅から徒歩すぐ) ○新鹿海岸駐車場※夏場有料(駅から徒歩10分/バス停から徒歩すぐ)
START 二木島駅に駐車
GOAL 駐車場に戻る
START 新鹿駅または新鹿海岸駐車場に駐車
GOAL 駐車場に戻る
Other routes on the Kumano Kodo Iseji Trail